
April 12, 2021
The Genocide Studies Program is dismayed by the publication of doctored photographs from the Tuol Sleng prison archive by Matthew Loughrey, a designer affiliated with VICE...
Poster from the Symposium, readings "Bosnia: 25 Years After the Dayton Accords, A virtual International Symposium,November 5-6, 2020
January 19, 2021
In November 2020, scholars from around the world “gathered” – virtually, at least – to discuss the legacies of the Dayton Accords on Bosnia and Herzegovina in an...
Uyghur detainees
September 15, 2020
GSP Director David Simon joined dozens of other genocide scholars and activists in signing a letter calling for a Commission of Inquiry into the treatment of Uyghurs in East...
July 31, 2020
On July 29, Palgrave MacMillabn Press published Mass Violence and Memory in the Digital Age: Memorialization Unmoored, edited by Eve Monique Zucker and David J. Simon.  The...
June 5, 2020
Thoughts on the police brutality and genocide studies   [Note:  Please follow this link for an expanded version of these thoughts.] Genocide scholars spend a great...
October 14, 2019
In observance of Indigenous Peoples Day, 2019, the Genocide Studies Program has added a land acknowledgment to its website, employing the following language on the Program...
July 30, 2019
The Genocide Studies Program at Yale University has released “Before It’s Too Late,” a timely and important briefing that addresses the genocide of the Yazidis in Iraq and...